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Chimney cleaning in Kaunas

The impeccably functioning chimney ensures not only constant warmth of the house and protection from possible fires due to unattended chimneys, but also gives coziness to the family living in the house when gathering at the fireplace on cold winter evenings.

If you have any questions or would like our chimney sweepers to inspect, clean or clean up your chimney or chimney system, we kindly invite you to contact us by phone.

Why choose us?


Cleaning chimneys is not a “rocket science”, but also does not seem like the easiest or most pleasant job. However, you should think not about lightness, but about relevance. Chimney cleaning requires as much knowledge, skill, perseverance and care as any other specialty. Our qualified, licensed and experienced chimney cleaning specialists will make sure that your chimney system does not pose a danger to you and those around you and ensure that your home is warm and cozy!


Experts of the universal master appreciate the quality work. We respect the wealth of our customers – we are human beings and we understand that some of our items are simply priceless. Therefore, we carry out cleaning and handling works in accordance with the practice and methods of time approval. When cleaning chimneys, we use special equipment, depending on the situation. By applying the right technologies, we ensure the quality of service and impeccable results!

Honesty and transparency

Experts of the universal master appreciate the quality work. We respect the wealth of our customers – we are human beings and we understand that some of our items are simply priceless. Therefore, we carry out cleaning and handling works in accordance with the practice and methods of time approval. When cleaning chimneys, we use special equipment, depending on the situation. By applying the right technologies, we ensure the quality of service and impeccable results!

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does not happen to you, call!

Chimney cleaning price list

Regular cleaning of chimneys and their systems

Lithuanian firefighters recommend taking care of cleaning the chimney and chimney system at least once a year. It is understandable that a visit to the chimney sweepstakes can cause some trouble for the housekeepers, i.e. planning the visit and having to be at home while the masters are doing the work, but the safety of the house and the well-being of the family are more important in this case. Therefore, with your permission, the chimney sweepers of the Universal Master can contact you after a certain period of time (for example, 9 or 12 months) and arrange another visit to inspect and clean the chimney.

Inspection of chimneys and their systems

Like many other objects in your home, the chimney also needs to be inspected regularly. Our experienced craftsmen can inspect your chimney and chimney system, determine its standing, the need for cleaning and / or repair, assess the level of safety in accordance with the fire safety regulations adopted in the country and present all this to you both orally and in writing.

Inspection of chimneys and their systems

Like many other objects in your home, the chimney also needs to be inspected regularly. Our experienced craftsmen can inspect your chimney and chimney system, determine its standing, the need for cleaning and / or repair, assess the level of safety in accordance with the fire safety regulations adopted in the country and present all this to you both orally and in writing.

Chimney service

The market dictates the corresponding prices for chimney cleaning services, but this is not a reason to be scared – the price is not high compared to the benefits of the services. Just think about how much time and effort you can save by hiring specialists. In this case, there is also no need to invest in cleaning products and equipment. Also, if any technical cleaning agent breaks down, it does not cost you anything. Finally, the cleaned chimney will fix the problems of the heat of the house – this way you will save both money and the materials necessary for burning the house. But in general, the cost of cleaning chimneys largely depends on the type of chimney, so we recommend that you call our chimneys and find out the exact cost of cleaning!

Chimney cleaning

The profession of chimney cleaning is very old, but after a few centuries it remained relevant and even indispensable in the modern world. Own residential areas prove why chimney cleaning services are still in demand and necessary. If your home has a functional fireplace and home heating and chimney systems, then you will definitely need regular chimney cleaning services.

Why is it necessary to clean the chimney?

A long-cleaned chimney simply loses its function. Over time, the thrust in the chimney decreases, which makes it more difficult to ignite the furnace. In a more difficult situation, it would not even be possible to ignite a fire. Finally, a completely untreated chimney can eventually cause a fire or explode, so in order to avoid further problems, prevention is an unavoidable necessity.

A long-cleaned chimney simply loses its function. Over time, the thrust in the chimney decreases, which makes it more difficult to ignite the furnace. In a more difficult situation, it would not even be possible to ignite a fire. Finally, a completely untreated chimney can eventually cause a fire or explode, so in order to avoid further problems, prevention is an unavoidable necessity.

It is recommended to clean the chimney at least once a year, before the start of the heating season. The ideal option would be to clean 2-3 times a year, as this not only ensures cleanliness, but also the durability of the chimney system. The universal master’s chimney sweeps team can help you with all your chimney cleaning needs. We introduce ourselves, check it, plan it and do it.

It is recommended to clean the chimney at least once a year, before the start of the heating season. The ideal option would be to clean 2-3 times a year, as this not only ensures cleanliness, but also the durability of the chimney system. The universal master’s chimney sweeps team can help you with all your chimney cleaning needs. We introduce ourselves, check it, plan it and do it.

Insure yourself now and save! Let our experts ensure that your chimney and heating system works efficiently and promptly. By investing in cleanliness, you will now save money on heating the dwelling. Contact the Universal Master right now by phone at (8-666) 11490 or by email at info@universalusmeistras.lt.

Our chimney sweepers are guided by three golden rules

Punctuality and performance

Our masters appear on time and are immediately ready to start work in your home, so you don’t have to worry about delays, and the work will be done not only quickly, but also qualitatively;

Cleanliness and order

you have to admit that the work of chimney sweepers is quite dirty, but you can rest assured – the experts of the Universal Master understand the possible side effects of their work, so they appreciate people’s homes and maintain cleanliness in them during work;

Diagnostics and assurance

the work of chimney sweepers is not limited to cleaning the chimney system. Before starting work, our diligent craftsmen inspect the chimney, assess its condition and, if all conditions are met, only then begin to clean it. After cleaning the chimney, the chimney sweepers of the Universal Master will provide you with conclusions and recommendations on the condition of the chimney.

If you have decided to clean the chimney yourself, we recommend that you look at:

Chimney cleaning in Vilnius

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Frequently asked questions

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

Select the city where the service should be performed and, having found the contacts of the master, contact him directly by phone or e-mail. by post We encourage direct communication with craftsmen for convenient and accurate ordering of services.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

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